Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year, New ME!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Holidays, UGH!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Woo Hoo!
Weight lost: 7 pounds! I know, I ROCK!
I havve been watching my portion sizes and still eating what tastes good. I have eaten French Fries! Only 6 or 7 of them but I still got to eat them!
Today I ate half a patty melt and it was the BOMB!!!
Tonight we will head out to dinner. Not sure where we will end up but I am sure that it will require me to eat less than half of what I am served!
I want to let you know that THE GYM IS EVIL! I will give you more info on that next time!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Starting OVER!
I weighed in at 247 with my work clothes on...Not good.
I did well with my eating this week, never "over ate" and made some better choices.
Today was rough. We have a new tomato soup at work, It was VERY good with the Grilled Cheese Strips I dipped in it!
Dinner tonight was Chips at Chili's. I ate enough to fill me up so that I could not eat the salad that I ordered, dry. I guess the kids will get it for lunch tomorrow.
I went to the gym on Monday and today. I will go again tomorrow. That is the worst part of getting in shape, going to the gym. Is there some way to do it with out getting off the couch?
I am off tomorrow so I have a busy day planned. Shopping for necessities, Shopping for fun, get my nails done, Lunch with my sister, Kim, Library with the kids and then a Booty Camp class...I hope I can walk Saturday!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Big Daddy's Operation MILF
BTW, our team for the Biggest looser contest is:
Big Daddy's Operation MILF!
Big Daddy is a guy I work with. The rest of the team is made up of 3 moms!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Biggest Looser
Mimi's will kick their butts!
I start next week. My whole family is doing it too! Time to make a meal plan for the family!
Friday, October 1, 2010
I went to the gym!!!
First time in a while. It feels good to get up and going again. I may even do it again tomorrow. I avoided the scale, i'm not quite ready to see what that has to say.
I have only had a cup of coffee this morning so I am about to make some brunch for myself.
Scrambled egg whites and a slice of toast with some cheese. Maybe a glass of milk too.
I am going to start "The biggest looser" at the gym with a few of my friends from work. I am very excited to have them to support me on this.
I am taking Daisy to the dog park today for some fun with OP, Katy's great dane puppy. He is about the same age a daisy so they play together very well. We will see how that goes!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Summer is almost over!
1) I can go back to the gym!
2) My kids will be active and not sitting around the house all day long, they will be sitting in desks LEARNING!!!
I plan to get our butts up and moving so that we can shed some of the weight that we have put back on.
I am ready to get my bootie in gear and start eating right again. I don't know what made us stop but we did, We made bad choices day after day and we are now paying for it.
Tomorrow is a new day, the last one before we throw out all the junk, some of it is pretty old, and fill the pantry and frig with healthy meals and snacks!
I just need to figure out how to get wine on that list!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A Week Off!
The weird thing is that the foods I used to eat, taste weird and make me feel icky.
I skipped the gym all week too! Not that I didn't want to go, we did not get the child care that allows us to take the kids along too. So now I have to figure out when to go. This first week of summer was the test.
I did not go to the gym on Thursday, I blame it on Terry, my pureSPICE class friend. She didn't go either. So, no weight loss to report. Which also means, no weight GAIN to report either!
This week I will focus on:
~~Eating more often. I find that I am only eating 2 times before 4pm and then I am starving all night long.
~~Going to the gym at least 3 times. Getting up before the kids do is the first step. Going before work is the second step!
~~Being more active with the kids. I take the kids to their activities but I sit and watch. Maybe I can sign them up for swimming lessons while I swim laps, I miss that from a few summers ago!
That is my plan for the next week. I will let you know how it goes!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Slow and Steady wins the race
Scale today produced another 2# weight loss! That is a total of 18 pounds in 9 weeks.
So, slow and steady will win my race. The race is to a healthier lifestyle. It is paying off around our house as well. Brian is looking slimmer and Ashlyn has more energy than ever. She is also eating breakfast which is a rare.
Today was the last day of school for the kids. Which will present a whole new set of issues. Keeping the kids active all summer and away from the snacks will be our new task at hand.
Let's see how we do!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I need to work on my rhythm!
This morning Dale had a meeting at work so I text'd my friend from work, Terry and we headed over to check out this spicy class, also know as 'Zumba'.
The teacher is a tiny thing, she can't be more than 21! She was so much fun! The class got me going and Terry and I were so wet and smelly by the end of the class! Terry is Hispanic, she has some moves. It was crazy how much fun she was having! I am a white girl. I have rhythm but it has been hidden for so long it may take a few classes to bring it back out! I could hold my own in dance classes and even made it as a mat maid,(cheerleaders for the wrestlers) in junior high. I realized that it has been 15 years since I used any type of move like I used in class today!
Terry was what kept me in the class past the first few songs. It was hard to keep up. I feel like I am getting into better shape but 1 aerobics class showed me i was wrong! I am proud of myself for making it through the whole class. I need to keep working on my rhythm!
I got on the scale and I am at 236! Last week was an 'up' week for me so I was happy to see it go back down this week.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
15% closer to my goal!
The best thing about it is that I am still eating delicious food.
I can really eat what I want but I need to adjust what I eat for the rest of the day to work it all in. I have had french fries this week. Last night I ate chips, only 12 of them, but I ate them.
Dale is adjusting to my new cooking habits and is fixing his own dinner if I make something that he feels in not "on the diet." I keep telling myself that I am not on a "diet" I am changing my lifestyle.
10 more pounds and I am 25% of the way to my goal!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Here are my first posts from my other blog.
I plan to begin my diet tomorrow!
Posted 4/17/2009 12:39 AM CDT on Community
So I plan to begin my diet tomorrow. TOMORROW. I always plan to begin my diet TOMORROW!
I would like this to be for the average over scheduled Mom who wants to live a healthier life for her kids and family!
I am not afraid to tell you my stats:
Weight: 241 (Dressed)
Height: 5'8" (Barefoot)
Lifestyle: Why walk when my car can take me there.
These are the reasons I am Fat. I am not "overweight" I am FAT!
1) I work 20 hours a week in a restaurant as a waitress. I am on my feet each and every day. Sometimes up to 8 hours. I figure I burn close to 1000 calories on any given day.
2) I hate to exercise. I really do.
3) I like to drink wine. Lots of WINE! It is my weakness. (I plan to cut back while "trying" to loose weight.)
4) I have 2 kids, a husband and a home. When am I supposed to find time to work out?
I have 2 different volunteer "jobs" Why you ask, Because I don't know how to say "NO" to anyone.
5) I like to EAT. Good tasting food. The stuff with tons of real butter and carbs. I think Bacon makes anything taste better.
This is how I plan to get SKINNY:
1) I will try to walk or ride my bike every day even if it is up and down my street, or around my sofa!
2) I will not eat with the TV on.
3) I will sit a table for every meal.
4) I will drive with my purse in the trunk so that I do not stop for FAST FOOD!
5) I will use my food diary and the daily plate to track my calories.
I will blog again tomorrow just to see how it goes. I will list what I ate and tell you if I worked out. I will try for a weekly blog and list all the good for me and bad for me foods I am eating.
Opps the diet REALLY starts tomorrow!
Posted 4/18/2009 7:31 PM CDT on Community
So I was supposed to eat better yesterday and today. I was also supposed to exercise. I didn't do either!
I said I would list everything i ate yesterday on my blog so here goes!
For breakfast I ate 1 cookie uncooked with 2 cups of coffee.
Lunch: French Fries and a Veggie Burrito from Someburros! Yumm!
Dinner was a pot Luck at the school: 3 Sweet & Sour Meatballs, 1 Fried chicken breast with the skin, Chicken Caesar Salad. 1 piece of white cake from Costco.
Late night Snack: 3 slices of Little Caesars Pepperoni Pizza with Homemade Buttermilk Garlic & Parm Dressing.
Exercise: NONE!!!
I didn't even eat well today and never got my lazy butt off the couch. So I guess I will try and do better tomorrow.
Posted 4/22/2010 3:37 PM CDT on Community
So I clicked on my profile and found a link to my blog! Funny! I didn't know that I had one. Then I read it! FUNNY! So here are my current stats:
Height: 5'8" still!
Weight: 244, UGH!!!
So I joined PureFITNESS about a month ago. In fact, it will be a month on Saturday. I have lost 8 pounds since I have been exercising and watching what I eat. I am thinking about cutting the carbs but I would rather cut out the fat. Like I said before, I like food. Good food. I am searching livestrong for recipe ideas that will allow me to eat those tasty foods with out the guilt.
Do they make a fat free oil???
I will try to blog often but I know that I won't so please don't hold your breath for me to do it.
I am eating better along with my husband and I am forcing my kids to eat better as well. My son has gained back his amazing weight loss so we are now getting him back in shape. Dale has lost 20 pounds and I get to hate him for that. I love him and I am proud of him but it is just not fair! Why do boys lose it so much faster than girls???
I will get to the bottom of it!
Posted 4/22/2010 12:09 AM CDT on Community
I woke up BEFORE the alarm, not unusual for me on the last part of the week, but I almost always roll back over and go back to sleep.
Well, this morning my dog was on my bed and trying to toss her cookies so Dale acted quick and tossed her over the foot of our bed. She was unharmed and landed on a very large pile of dirty laundry.
So, now I am wide awake and it is pointless to go back to sleep for just 20 minutes.
I made coffee and scrambled some eggs for myself & Dale. Left over steak, mushrooms, onions & spinach are AMAZING in fresh cracked egg whites!
D & I got the kids up and moving so that we could take them to school and headed to the gym after.
I did 15 minutes on the Elliptical machine and my circuit of weights 3 times each. Then I realized that it was time to go.
After our showers, Dale & I went to Wal-mart & Target. Hunger struck so we checked out El Pollo Loco to see what options we had that would not kill our calorie intake for the day, here is what I ended up with:
$1 side salad, with dressing, 2 $1 Tacos al Carbon, which was just chopped chicken meat, onions & Cilantro, and we shared a cup of Chicken tortilla soup. All was very yummy, the chicken from one taco made it's way onto my salad, so for just $2 I got a great chicken salad!
We then took off for the kids school where we were signed up to help with the staff luncheon, see, I already said I can't say "NO", and we watched the kids in our classes.
Dale had a class of kindergartner without incident, I on the other hand had 7th graders and found myself in the office twice, one was sick and the other almost broke his arm! I am a great kid watcher!
I picked the kids up from school and headed to the grocery store for some dinner fixins' Grilled Chicken & broccoli with Annie's Organic Mac & Cheese. It was very tasty!
As I have said before, I like wine, so as I write this I am enjoying a small glass. Sue ME!
Time for bed soon, as I will get up early in the morning and begin another day!
Posted 4/23/2010 11:56 PM CDT on Community
Souper Salad!
Well, I had it for lunch. Then I went back for dinner with friends.
Dale is the best "eating partner" I had a nice light 300ish calorie lunch. I made good choices.
At dinner I ate a few items that I knew I shouldn't have. A slice of pizza and some ice cream. They tasted good but today I was trying to keep my calories under 1500. I did it but now I want a snack and don't have any calories left for one. So I will go to bed hungry and try to make better choices tomorrow!
Posted 4/24/2010 7:06 PM CDT on Community
So tonight I will head to a Brazilian Steakhouse...You know, the All you can eat Meat on a stick place...Lets see how well I do!
Posted 4/25/2010 1:01 AM CDT on Community
So last night we went to a Brazilian Steakhouse!
It was Yummy!!!!
We totaly over-ate UGH!
So today we held off eating until later in the day, which caused us to make bad choices.
Tomorrow is a new day! I hope to visit the gym and get 20 min on the eliptical trainer and do a set of weights. Let's see how I do!
Posted 4/30/2010 1:56 AM CDT on Community
So I tried to log on and view my "blog"
The site was being funny and not letting me, dar site, don't you know I need to get my feelings out on the computer?!?!?!
I have been loging my food all week and have decided that I am not on a "Diet" I am making better choices on how I eat. If I want a french fry, I can eat a french fry, but I need to adjust my eating for the rest of the day to eat those french fries!
I have reset my calorie goal to 1500. Some days I have hit that goal and others I have not even come close. Like Wednesday, I worked both am & pm. I came home and realized that I had 1200 calories. Then yesterday, I only had 700 calories. I was busy and food didn't sound good so I didn't eat.
I will head to the gym tomorrow, 2 days late and weigh myself.I missed my 1 month check in with my trainer since I worked that night. I need to check my stats, inches lost, weight lost and such.
Dale is on Vacation this week and will be turning my world upside down since he will be at home most nights.
We shall see how that goes. I will post my weight tomorrow night.