Saturday, August 1, 2015

I'm back!

Last week I had blood drawn for my first physical in a few years. I was worried that my weight was going to put me on the borderline for diabetes.  The office called. My sugars are fine! Woo Hoo! But my cholesterol is elevated. She prescribed diet, exercise and a fish il supplement.  Yea.

So, I have started my fish oil. I am now going to change our families eating habits. With both my mom and Dale's mom having heart issues, it's not looking good for the kids.

Tomorrow we start our daily family walks. The dogs will get some much needed exercise as well!

I went to the library today and read through the 8 week cholesterol cure. It has some great info. We are going to add more fruits & veggies, cut back on the amount of butter we use. I ❤️ Butter!
Shooting for at least one night a week where we go meatless for dinner. I even checked out a vegan cookbook!
Tomorrow I shop for the high fiber foods that are so helpful in lowering cholesterol.

Not sure how often I will post, hoping to post my meal plan on here each week. If you ask, I'll even post a shopping list! I will for sure continue to review recipes and post photos along the way!

Monday is Day 1! Oh, and since I don't have a scale, you won't get a weekly weigh in, sorry. I refuse to be a slave to the scale. Every day is different. I will however give updates as to when I need to buy new clothes, and take donations to do so 😜, as I travel on this journey!