Friday, March 29, 2013

My scale is not my friend!

This week has been a rough one. I got on the scale this morning and did not like the result. While I did not gain any weight, I also did not lose any weight.  I am at a stand still.

Dale thinks we need a new scale. Ours is the kind that has a dial on it. It is nice to watch it move up and down. It likes to lie to me as well. I will get on in it and depending on how I stand on it, It will tell me if I lost weight or not.

If I lean a little to the left I weigh a bit more than if i lean to the right. Why would I lean to the left??? So, I need to go scale shopping.

I am at the weight that my body is most comfortable. I am getting to the hard part now.

Tomorrow I will spend the day baking a cake with my sister. Yes, that is a good idea, bake a cake. I will also take my dog for a walk.

I did realize that while I am outside on Playground duty, I can get in 20 minutes of walking! I walked around the black top while the kids played basket ball the last 2 days. So, I get points for that too!

This is a busy week. I need to get moving!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I lost how much???

So in the last month I have started my new job, joined weight watchers and cut back on my portions.

With weight watchers my weigh-in day is Friday. This Friday I got on the scale and it read 25 pound LESS than it did on January first! I lost 25 pounds!!!!
I am 1/4 of the way to my goal!

Today I was going through the fridge and found some spinach that needed to be cooked. I googled
"WW chicken and spinach recipes" and it came up with this site:

I had been on the site before but forgot that she lists the WW points+ for every recipe! I have a new favorite site to look for recipes!

Tonight I made:
Grilled Chicken with Spinach and Melted Mozzarella
I took this photo!!!

and I made:
I took this photo too!!

Both were amazing! I wanted to eat more but I didn't.
I followed the recipe using measuring cups and spoons. If you have ever seen me cook, I do not do that EVER while cooking, only while baking.

The kids are eating the same things, but ate theirs with out the spinach. Neither of them really like it.  They asked for seconds. I told them NO. Portion control is one of the biggest things we face in this house. I am glad that the recipes were both made for 6 portions. Dale got a bit more, since he is allowed more points in a day and the kids got a bit less since, well, they are kids!

Here is what our dinner plates looked like:

See how all the food fits inside the inner circle of the plate...that is what you call portion control!
I even use a food scale!

Now, the only change I made was to use 100% whole wheat pasta instead of the regular pasta that her recipe called for. I have not yet put it into the recipe builder but even at 8 points, It was delish!